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Interview With Tom Maxwell (Hellyeah)

It’s always important to work with people that you can call best friends and family.”

Wikimetal: Talking about the beginning of Hellyeah. How did the idea of putting up this super group come up?

Tom Maxwell (TM): Myself and our singer Chad had been talking about putting a project together since 2001. Fast forward a few years and we finally got together and wrote the song “waging war” and the song was so powerful and demanding that it kept us pushing towards recording more. Eventually we both had the time to do it full on so we recruited Greg into the band and then Vinnie after many persistent calls. The rest is history.

W: How was the process of convincing Vinnie Paul to join the band?

(TM): We just kept calling and calling him until he finally gave in and said to come down to Texas and see what happens. After the first few days of writing he was convinced that this was for real and that there was real chemistry between all of us.

W: Last month we were very happy when Monsters of Rock announced the last attractions of this years edition. How was it for you when you heard the news that you´d be playing in Brazil for the first time in such a great and big festival like Monsters of Rock?

(TM): We were and are very excited to finally have the opportunity to play in Brazil. Our sound guy Goody spends alot of time in Brazil and is always going on about how great it is there. We cannot wait to play for you all!!!

W: Can you choose one song that makes you totaly crazy? A song that makes you feel like headbanging wherever you might be?

(TM): That’s a hard one because I love so many. But if I had to choose one song that I can listen to over and over again it would be Raining Blood from Slayer!

W: When you were younger, how did you first get in touch with heavy music and Metal?

(TM): Many from my friends. I grew up in a very musical household. My parents were always playing The Beatles or Led Zeppelin but when I got older and started hanging around my friends and some older kids I was introduced to Black Sabbath, Maiden, Priest and then eventually Metallica and Slayer came into the picture.

W: Talking about the beginning of your career as a guitarist, who were your main influences?

(TM): My biggest influence on guitar was/is Jimmy Page, period. Great song writer and riff/hook master!!

Seeing all of Dime’s stuff, guitars and amps was very exciting.”

W: Could you describe the moment when you enetered Vinnie´s studio, Chasing Jason to record the first Hellyeah studio album in 2006? How was the atmosphere in the band back then?

(TM): It was very surreal. Alot of nervous energy mixed with a little bit of “oh shut we’re doing this”!! Plus seeing all of Dime’s stuff, guitars and amps was very exciting.

W: Again about Monsters of Rock that will happen in São Paulo in October, what can you tell us about the show, do you have already a set list in mind or do you know how long will the set be?

Tom Maxwell (TM): I’m not sure how long our set will be or what songs we will be doing but I can safely assume that we’re going to come out guns blazing and play all the really heavy songs.

W: What did you think of the line up of the festival and with which of these bands have you played before?

(TM): I love the lineup and we have played with almost if not every band on the lineup. It’s going to be a great show!!!

W: You are now touring with Gigantour with Megadeth, Black Label Society, David Draiman´s Device and Newsted, how is the tour going and what were the highlights of this tour so far?

(TM): Yes and the tour is going very well and I would say the highlight of the tour is when we get onstage and destroy everything in our path. Which you all will soon find out.

W: Can you choose a song from Hellyeah that you feel really proud of?

(TM): I love all the songs personally but if I had to pick a favorite it would be “Matter Of Time”. I just love the groove and the hooks!

W: Is Hellyeah really a band of brothers and how important is it to work with great and real personal friends?

(TM): Yes we are and it’s always important to work with people that you can call best friends and family.

W: What can you tell us about your side project Knives Out?

(TM): Knives was just a project that I did during my off time away from HY. It was something for me to do so I wouldn’t go stir crazy at home. We may do another re its sometime in the future.

W: Can you invite all the Brazilian metalheads to the festival and can you tell why everyone should arrive early enough to see Hellyeah on the 19th of October.

(TM): Yes all the Brazilian metal heads should get there early and witness the power that we will be bringing. This is our first time coming to Brazil and I can promise it won’t be our last!!!

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